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Double Shaft Paddle Type Animal Feed Mixer

In modern breeding industry, the quality of animal feed plays a vital role in the health and performance of animals. In order to ensure even distribution and thorough mixing of various ingredients in the feed, the double shaft paddle animal feed mixer becomes a key piece of equipment. It achieves uniform mixing of feed through the high-speed rotation and interaction of the paddles. It has the characteristics of uniform mixing, high efficiency, strong adaptability and easy operation. In modern breeding industry, high-quality feed is the key to ensuring animal health and improving production performance, and the application of double shaft paddle feed mixer can improve feed quality and meet the needs of the breeding industry.

Double Shaft Paddle Type Animal Feed Mixer

Working principle

The double shaft paddle animal feed mixer achieves mixing through the rotation of two horizontally mounted shafts and multiple paddles. When the equipment is started, the two shafts rotate at high speed in opposite directions, and the paddles continuously shear, fold, and spread the feed ingredients during the rotation, so that they are fully mixed. The design and layout of the paddles can be adjusted according to different feed ingredients and mixing requirements to ensure uniformity and efficiency of mixing.


Uniform mixing: The double shaft paddle animal feed mixer can evenly mix feeds of different ingredients together, eliminating the problem of uneven ingredients and ensuring that each portion of feed is fully mixed.

High efficiency: The rotation speed and layout design of the paddle make the mixing process more efficient, able to complete the mixing task in a shorter time and improve production efficiency.

Strong adaptability: The double shaft paddle animal feed mixer is suitable for different types of feed, whether it is grain, feed additives or other ingredients, it can meet the mixing needs and has strong adaptability.

Easy to operate: By adjusting the rotation speed and mixing time, you can control the degree and time of mixing. At the same time, the cleaning and maintenance of the equipment are relatively convenient, reducing the workload of operators.


double shaft paddle animal feed mixers are widely used in the breeding industry. It can be used to mix various animal feeds, such as livestock feed, aquatic feed, etc. By mixing feeds with different ingredients, you can ensure that animals receive balanced nutrition and improve growth rate and production performance. In addition, the double shaft paddle animal feed mixer can also be used to add feed additives and drugs to ensure their even distribution in the feed, improving the utilization of drugs and the effect of the feed.

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, the design and performance of double shaft paddle animal feed mixers are also constantly improved and innovated, bringing more possibilities and development space to the breeding industry. It is believed that in the near future, the double shaft paddle animal feed mixer will play a more important role and make greater contributions to the sustainable development of the breeding industry.

Monday November-06 2023  12:29:22

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